DREFI – We bring together what belongs together: service, quality and reliability.
Since 2017, DREFI presents and manages the brands NORTHSHIELD®, DREHKOPF® and FIDI®. We pool resources and competencies, allowing us to focus on offering products of highest standards to our valued customers throughout Europe.
As an owner-managed, medium-sized company with many years of experience, we are proud to offer the following:
- Equipment and systems for the highest demands in the areas of solvent, wastewater and process water recycling and treatment, as well as for parts cleaning. In very close and regular exchange with our customers, we develop optimal solutions and implement them with respect to individual requirements and local conditions.
- Expertise in producing personal protective equipment, specializing in paint overalls and workwear which are used in cleanroom and surface technology areas. Some special features of our garment include e. g. antistatic and flame-retardant characteristics. Many of our workwear designs are developed in close collaboration with our customer partners.
- A comprehensive range of high-quality and specialised paint accessory products for various fields of application in all industrial and crafts sectors. We also offer our heat- and solvent-resistant foils and rec bags made of polyamide. These products are used in a wide variety of production areas, as well as in laboratories or in medical engineering.

The DREFI Drehkopf & FIDI GmbH originated from the companies Erich Drehkopf GmbH and FIDI GmbH.
Since its foundation in 1932 in Hamburg, Germany, Erich Drehkopf GmbH has been operating as a distributor of specialized paint accessory products for the wholesale and retail markets, in addition being a valued contact and advisor to the professional user.
One of the core products of our range is the E-D-SCHNELLSIEB® PAINT STRAINER, which has been manufactured by our company since the mid-1950s. This timeless classic is regularly used for painting and varnishing work, regardless of whether it is in the body shop, a paint mixing room, the workshop or in laboratories.
The company FIDI GmbH began its activity for an international clientele in the year 1990. The company’s roots clearly are to be found in all fields of solvent recycling solutions. In addition to this FIDI GmbH has always dealt with challenges and problem solving in the areas of waste water treatment in the water varnish sector, as well as processing process water (for example, defatting).
Ever since, FIDI GmbH has offered its demanding customers expert knowledge and know-how for thousands of distillers and machines currently being operated in the segments of surface technology, pharmacy, printing industry, varnish manufacturers and fabricators, handcraft and various other areas of application.
Today, in order to meet our customers’ stringent requirements, DREFI keeps a close and watchful eye on market developments, ready to actively deal with new challenges at a moment’s notice. We systematically and consistently restructure and carefully built up our product range with a goal of conserving precious resources while optimizing costs.
A high standard of quality, swift delivery, reliable service and flexible methods, with close proximity to our customers are predominant features of the DREFI Drehkopf & FIDI GmbH – your committed service provider and also a strong and loyal partner. Now in the third generation, it remains our future goal to continue reliably advising and delivering products and services to our customers.
On this note, we thank you for the trust you have placed in us and are looking forward to a successful partnership for many years to come.